Potential assay artefacts in anti-malarial screening documented

Researchers have documented the permissible limits of a number of chemicals that are often part of…

A step towards biological warfare with insects?

A project by a research agency of the US Department of Defense could easily be misused…

The cosmological lithium problem

An international research group has tried to find a solution to one of the unknowns in…

Fingerprint drug screen test works on the living and deceased

A revolutionary drug test can detect amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine and opiates from the sweat of single…

Controlling chemical reactions near absolute zero

Chemists have demonstrated complete experimental control over a chemical reaction just above absolute zero.

Scorpion census: Researchers update global record of medically significant scorpions

Researchers have documented 104 scorpions spanning dozens of countries, providing a vital update to the global…

New knowledge about retrovirus-host coevolution

Retroviruses have colonized vertebrate hosts for millions of years by inserting their genes into host genomes,…

For wineries, competition boosts profits from sustainability

An international study of small- to medium-sized wineries and vineyards finds that the more sustainability practices…

Largest ever genetic study of blood pressure

The largest ever genetic analysis of over one million people has identified 535 new genes associated…

Icy warning for space missions to Jupiter’s moon

A location often earmarked as a potential habitat for extra-terrestrial life could prove to be a…