How to make a lab-on-a-chip clear and biocompatible (with less blood splatter)

Microfluidic devices can take standard medical lab procedures and condenses each down to a microchip that…

Could an artificial intelligence be considered a person under the law?

Humans aren't the only people in society – at least according to the law. In the…

Could an artificial intelligence be considered a person under the law?

Humans aren't the only people in society – at least according to the law. In the…

Improving poplar biomass production under stress conditions

Inside the phytotron, rows of white industrial cabinets hide the life expected in a greenhouse. A…

Improving poplar biomass production under stress conditions

Inside the phytotron, rows of white industrial cabinets hide the life expected in a greenhouse. A…

Research affirms the power of ‘we’

A healthy relationship starts with the word "we."

Research affirms the power of ‘we’

A healthy relationship starts with the word "we."

Nanoscale pillars as a building block for future information technology

Researchers propose a new device concept that can efficiently transfer the information carried by electron spin…

New function of a key component in the immune system discovered

The complement proteins that circulate in our blood are an important part of our immune system.…

Sink traps are surprising source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in ICU

During a nationwide outbreak of healthcare-associated infections of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, a hospital traced repeated infections…