I want to believe: An astronomer’s view of aliens

Astronomer Chris Lintott dreams of a meeting with life from another world and confronts the prospect…

Defective glial cells can push neurons toward Parkinson’s disease

A team of scientists have discovered that astrocytes are linked to the buildup of a toxic…

Effects of linoleic acid on inflammatory response depend on genes

The effects of linoleic acid on the human body are largely dependent on genes, a new…

Mathematical model can improve our knowledge on cancer

Researchers have developed a new mathematical tool, which can improve our understanding of what happens when…

Keeping roads in good shape reduces greenhouse gas emissions

Keeping road pavement in good shape saves money and energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, more…

New immune response regulators

Researchers have discovered new proteins that regulate T cells in the human immune system. Some of…

Genes reveal clues about people’s potential life expectancy

Scientists say they can predict whether a person can expect to live longer or die sooner…

Using satellites to measure rates of ice mass loss in glaciers

Researchers have investigated all glacial areas in South America in more detail than ever before, from…

Personality type could shape attitudes toward body weight of others, researchers say

Researchers found that personality traits have significant bearing on a person's attitudes toward obesity, their implicit…

Protein alteration controls cell’s response to stress, immunity and lifespan

Scientists have revealed a key mechanism in worms that is involved in controlling the cell's response…