Male birth control for the malaria parasite

Disrupting two genes involved in the preservation of RNA molecules inhibits the ability of the male…

New 3D printer shapes objects with rays of light

A new 3D printer uses light to transform gooey liquids into complex solid objects in only…

How NASA’s Curiosity Rover Weighed a Mountain on Mars

With a bit of technical improvisation, scientists worked out that the bedrock of Mount Sharp appeared…

We’ve hacked the Curiosity rover to learn how mountains form on Mars

Hacking the Curiosity rover let researchers measure the density of the rocks it was driving over,…

We’ve hacked the Curiosity rover to learn how mountains form on Mars

Hacking the Curiosity rover let researchers measure the density of the rocks it was driving over,…

Novel electron microscopy offers nanoscale, damage-free isotope tracking in amino acids

A new electron microscopy technique that detects the subtle changes in the weight of proteins at…

Evolution, illustrated: Study captures one of the clearest pictures yet of evolution in vertebrates

What do you get when you put together several tons of steel plates, hundreds of mice,…

European waters drive ocean overturning, key for regulating climate

A new international study finds that the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC), a deep-ocean process that…

Mars rover Curiosity makes first gravity-measuring traverse on the Red Planet

A clever use of non-science engineering data from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has let a team…

Male birth control for the malaria parasite

Disrupting two genes involved in the preservation of RNA molecules inhibits the ability of the male…