Atlantis Crew Awakened by Paul McCartney

Today’s wakeup song was ‘Good Day Sunshine,” by Paul McCartney, played at 12:59 a.m. EDT, along with a special message: “Good morning guys. Wake up! And good luck on this, your last mission. Well done.”

The crew slept 30 minutes longer than originally planned after dealing with a computer issue early in the sleep shift. General Purpose Computer (GPC) 4 failed and was replaced by GPC 2 as the systems computer. Troubleshooting of GPC 4 is planned for today.

The combined crews of Atlantis and Expedition 28 will talk to President Obama at 12:29 p.m. They are about 70 percent complete transferring equipment and supplies between Atlantis, the Raffaello multi-purpose module, and the International Space Station, and will continue that work today. They also will conduct a series of media interviews and hold a joint crew news conference with reporters from around the world.