Crew Preparing to Relocate Cupola

The crew of space shuttle Endeavour awoke at 4:14 p.m. EST to the song “Forty Years On,” the Harrow School in London song, played for Harrow alumnus Mission Specialist Nicholas Patrick.

After further analysis of the center disk cover interference issue, the teams determined that there wasn’t an issue with relocating the cupola. The crew will spend time today preparing the cupola for its relocation. Terry Virts and Kathryn Hire will latch onto the cupola with the station’s robotic arm. They then will move the cupola to its permanent position on the Earth-facing side of the Tranquility node and then open the hatch. Robert Behnken and Stephen Robinson will grapple Pressurized Mating Adapter-3 with the station’s robotic arm near the end of the day for its relocation on flight day 9.