162nd Combat Communications Group accepts challenge from AFSPC

The 162nd Combat Communications Group accepted an invitation from Air Force Space Command and 689th Combat Communications Wing to participate in Guardian Challenge 2010. Specifically, the 162nd CCG, an Air National Guard unit, will compete at Tinker AFB, Okla. in a resurrection of the Combat Challenge competition April 17-19.

An event well known to the 162nd CCG, Combat Challenge began in 1986 at Patrick AFB, Fla. as a worldwide competition to crown the best combat communications group in the Air Force. Active duty and Air National Guard CCGs competed in events encompassing tent assembly, camouflage of three 2.5 ton trucks, air traffic control skills, 1.5 mile run, physical appearance, pallet build up, satellite antenna assembly and weapons firing. The signature event was installation and sustainment of tactical communications systems.