AFNet PII Breaches Still a Concern

More than one month after Air Force Space Command’s implementation of lock-out procedures for individuals found to have inappropriately transmitted Personally Identifiable Information, PII breaches still remain a significant issue.

While the average number of daily incidences of PII breaches have decreased there is still a lot of work to be done to prevent future PII incidents, said General William L. Shelton, Commander of Air Force Space Command.

“We’ve all got to work harder to eliminate PII violations,” said General Shelton. “In November more than 5,000 individuals were affected by a single PII breach. PII that is not properly protected becomes vulnerable to interception by an adversary. That creates the risk of the information being used to target individual users to gain their credentials and potentially gain access to our networks. From an individual perspective, it can also lead to identity theft. We can’t stand the network or the personal consequen