Sentinel-2A fully integrated at IABG’s facilities

Sentinel-2A fully integrated at IABG’s facilities in Ottobrunn, Germany on 24 February 2015, before being packed up and shipped to French Guiana for launch.

Offering ‘colour vision’ for Europe’s environmental monitoring Copernicus programme, Sentinel-2A combines high-resolution and novel multispectral capabilities – a first for ESA. With a 290 km-wide coverage path and frequent revisits, Sentinel-2 will deliver views of Earth’s changing lands in unprecedented detail and accuracy.

Information from this latest mission will help to improve agricultural practices, monitor the world’s forest, detect pollution in lakes and coastal waters, contribute to disaster mapping and much more.

Sentinel-2 will be launched in June on a Vega rocket from the CSG, Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.