How did you take that picture?

ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, NASA astronaut Terry Virts and cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov are touring Samantha’s home country of Italy after their mission on the International Space Station.

Here, Terry is demonstrating to press at an exhibition in the Milan central train station how he took Samantha’s picture as she looked out of the windows of ESA’s Italian-built Cupola observatory on the Station. The train station exhibition is a collaboration with the Italian railways Ferrovie dello Stato.

Samantha, Terry and Anton spent 199 days on the Station as part of Expeditions 42 and 43, landing back on Earth on 11 June 2015.

The tour, organised by Italy’s ASI space agency and the Italian Air Force, includes visits to schools, museums and exhibitions in Trento, Milan, Naples, Bologna and Rome.

Samantha flew to the International Space Station under an agreement between ASI and NASA. Her mission, called Futura, set a record for the longest mission for an ESA astronaut.

Read more about Futura and follow Samantha via