Schriever Fire Department partners with community

A 214-acre wildlands fire broke out in El Paso County initiating a mutual aid agreement request, between the Ellicott Fire Protection District and Schriever Air Force Base Fire Department.
“We have four mutual aid agreements with Ellicott fire protection district (which Schriever falls under), Falcon Fire Protection District, Colorado Springs Fire Protection District and El Paso County Sheriff’s Office,” said Chief Mark Captain, 50th Civil Engineer Squadron Fire Department fire chief.
Schriever’s Fire Department just renewed its mutual aid agreement with these agencies earlier this year, said Captain. However, these partners have supported each other for at least 20 years.
“We see it as essential to supporting the community and it also fulfills Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5 for federal agencies to support local municipalities when they are overwhelmed,” said Chief Dale Ross, 50 CES Fire Department Deputy fire chief.