ISS Daily Summary Report – 1/25/2017

Fluid Shifts Chibis Imaging Day 2: The Flight Day 45 Chibis session for the 49S crew was planned this morning, however due to Joint Station LAN (JSL) network issues the session had to be cancelled.  This Fluid Shifts session will be replanned for tomorrow.  Lighting Effects Vision Test: The crew performed a Numerical Verification and a Color Discrimination test in their Crew Quarters with illumination from the Solid State Lighting Assembly (SSLA). The Lighting Effects experiment hopes to better quantify and qualify how lighting can effect habitability of spacecraft. The light bulbs on the ISS are being replaced with a new system designed for improved crew health and wellness. The Lighting Effects investigation studies the impact of the change from fluorescent light bulbs to solid-state light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with adjustable intensity and color and aims to determine if the new lights can improve crew circadian rhythms, sleep, and cognitive performance. Results from this investigation also have major implications for people on Earth who use electric lights. Habitability Software Update: The crew installed updated software on their tablets in support of the Habitability experiment. The iQ&A iPad application will be used to collect questionnaire data for Habitability Experiment. The Habitability investigation collects observations about the relationship between crew members and their environment on the ISS. Observations can help spacecraft designers understand how much habitable volume is required, and whether a mission’s duration impacts how much space crew members need.  Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Sample Collection: The crew conducted ITCS fluid sampling from the Node 2 (N2) Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) and Low Temperature Loop (LTL) sample ports. They also sampled Columbus ITCS water using the Columbus Coolant Fluid Servicer. These samples will be returned to the ground on SpX-10 for analysis. The return to ground samples are taken once a year to monitor the quality of the water in the ITCS loops. Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Mass Spectrometer Assembly Remove and Replace (R&R): On GMT 2016/286, the Node 3 MCA experienced a shutdown due to a failure in its Mass Spectrometer Assembly. A spare Mass Spectrometer Assembly was launched on HTV-6, and it was used today to replace the failed MCA Mass Spectrometer Assembly in Node 3 (N3). Mobile Servicing System (MSS) Cupola Artificial Vision Unit (AVU) Troubleshooting: Crew set up a video camcorder such that Cupola Remote Workstation (RWS) Mon 1 and 2 are in the video frame. Ground specialists routed the camcorder and AVU video output to the ground, the Cupola AVU was then commanded from the ground to power-up perform a checkout. Several different inputs to the AVU (test pattern, external cameras, both SCU sources) were tried during the checkout, and all resulted in mostly blank displays with small portions of the display occasionally flickering into view. It was concluded that the input to the AVU is not the issue. The problem is likely in the AVU itself. This checkout was to determine the viability of utilizing the computing capacity of this MSS equipment last used for ISS operations in 2007.  H-II Transfer Vehicle 6 (HTV6) Departure Preparation:  Yesterday the crew completed loading more than 1450 kg of trash into the HTV vehicle. Today they performed a review of the HTV6 departure profile, procedures, and crew interfaces for monitoring and commanding HTV6. They also performed Robotics training which consisted of HTV6 release scenarios to allow them to practice techniques for nominal and off nominal situations. Additionally, they removed General Luminaire Assemblies (GLAs) from the forward side of HTV, and Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lights from the aft side of HTV in preparation for HTV Departure. These will all be stowed on ISS and used as spares. HTV6 is scheduled to unberth from the ISS on Friday 27-January. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Fine Motor Skills Experiment Test – Subject FLUID SHIFTS. Comm configuration on RS A/C Inverter Swap in SM FLUID SHIFTS. Camcorder setup & switch on Crew Prep for PAO Event Ultrasound 2 HRF Rack 1 Power On Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis Fluid Shifts Ultrasound 2 Data Export Alternate TV-session with the participants of the 11th All-Russia Youth Readings named after S.P. Korolev Habitability iPad App Update [Deferred] Fluid Shifts OCT Service Module Setup Alternate Atmosphere Control and Supply (ACS) Nitrogen Manual Valve Close FLUID SHIFTS. Подключение Laptop OCT к БРИ и HRF РС к ППС-26 (вместо RSE-Med) [Deferred] Node 2 Low Temperature Loop (LTL) Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Sample Collection СОЖ maintenance Fluid Shifts OCT Service Module Power On Fluid Shifts CCFP Service Module Configuration Fluid Shifts DPOAE Service Module Setup Node 2 Moderate Temperature Loop (MTL) Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Sample Collection FLUID SHIFTS. Don Chibis [Deferred] FLUID SHIFTS. Assistance with Chibis  & Gamma-1 [Deferred] Fluid Shifts Tonometry Service Module Setup Fluid Shifts Experiment Service Module Data Collection [Deferred] Lab Low Temperature Loop (LTL) Internal Thermal Control System (ITCS) Sample Collection FLUID SHIFTS. Doff Chibis [Deferred] FLUID SHIFTS. Disconnection & disassembly [Deferred] Fluid Shifts CCFP DPOAE Service Module End [Deferred] FLUID SHIFTS. Comm Reconfiguration to nominal on RS Fluid Shifts Tonometry Service Module Stow Delta file prep Fluid Shifts OCT Service Module Power Off FLUID SHIFTS. Отключение Laptop OCT, HRF и подключение RSE-Med [Deferred] Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOCA) Sample Data Record FLUID SHIFTS. DROUTE [Deferred] Fluid Shifts OCT Service Module Stow Fluid Shifts CCFP HRF PC Service Module Stow Fluid Shifts Hardware Final Gather [Deferred] Node 3 Major Constituent Analyzer (MCA) Mass Spectrometer (MS) Assembly Remove and Replace Fluid Shifts Hardware USOS Transfer [Deferred] Actiwatch Spectrum HRF1 Configuration Alternate 2 Life On The Station Photo and Video WIRELESS LEAK DETECTOR ULTRASONIC SENSOR REMOVAL, FILE TRANSFER, AND STOW Health Maintenance System (HMS) OCT Setup Taking Pille dosimeter readings Robotic Workstation (RWS) High Definition (HD) Monitor Downlink Stow CWSA samples, units and tools. Robotic Workstation (RWS) Setup Lighting Effects Visual Performance Tests Light Setting – Subject Restoring COL1D1 configuration Marrow Breath And Ambient Air Sample Setup – Subject Columbus ITCS […]