Numerous fires spread from north to south in Oregon

Fires meander up and down the state of Oregon mostly through the Cascade Mountains in this NASA Aqua satellite image taken on Aug. 28, 2017. The fires were mostly started by lightning strikes and Inciweb is tracking 20 different fires of varied sizes. The largest fire being tracked is the Chetco Bar Fire which is located in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness, roughly six air miles west of Pearsoll Peak and north of the Chetco River. It has spread from its initial 1/4 acre size when it began on July 12, 2017 to its current size of 117,669. The fire is actually burning in old fire scars from previous fires in 1997 and 2002. It has spread to areas previously unburned and the combination of down, dead fuels with a newly cured grass makes the terrain quite hazardous for firefighters. Hot, dry conditions with moderate winds persist in the area making firefighting hazardous and fire spread more likely.