Disordered skyrmion phase stabilized by magnetic frustration in a chiral magnet

In classical mechanics, particles are represented by point masses or rigid bodies, and in field theory by wave-like excitations or vibrations. Magnetic skyrmions are small, vortex-like spin textures of topological origin found in a variety of magnetic materials, and characterized by long lifetime. They were first discovered in 2009. In chiral magnets, skyrmions and skyrmion crystals (SkX) show unique physical properties due to their stability at ultralow current density. Explaining the stability of such particles is nontrivial; however, the particles can be described as topologically protected against small perturbations and decay. These properties can be advantageous for potential applications of skyrmions as information carriers in magnetic memories for storage and processing. Skyrmions are formed in magnetic systems via a variety of mechanisms, some of which work together.