Vandenberg Airman conquers Sahara Desert

A 533rd Training Squadron instructor here completed the 2010 Sahara Race in Egypt on Oct. 9.

Capt. Carrie Zederkof, a 533rd TRS space-based infrared system mission instructor, competed against more than 150 competitors from 36 countries in a race TIME Magazine named as one of the top 10 endurance competitions in the world.

Entering the race was the idea of Captain Zederkof’s brother, Matt Lowe, who found out about the competition online.

“He mentioned that he wanted to do it last year, three weeks before the start of the competition,” said Captain Zederkof. “My dad (Ted Lowe) and I tried to talk him out of it because it was a little insane to do something like that without training for it, but we told him that we might do it with him if he waited a year – and the idea just went on from there.”