Updated Info on Birth of Astronuat Bresnik’s Daughter

NASA flight surgeons have provided more details on the birth of STS-129 Mission Specialist Randy Bresnik and his wife Rebecca’s daughter.

Abigail Mae Bresnik was born Saturday, Nov. 21 at 11:04 p.m. CST, weighs six pounds, 13 ounces and is approximately 20 inches in length.

Bresnik was connected through a phone patch from Mission Control and the hospital to Atlantis after he woke up Sunday morning. During his wife’s labor Saturday night, he also had been connected to STS-129 Flight Surgeon Dr. Smith Johnston through the International Space Station’s IP Phone until he had to go to bed. A video conference is planned today so Bresnik can see his daughter for the first time. Photos and some video of the baby also will be uplinked to him.

No other information will be available until after Bresnik returns to Earth. Rebecca and Randy Bresnik offered this final word, ” We are sending a big thank you to all of the people who have supported NASA and us for this mission and our special occasion.”