Diamond quantum sensor detects 'magnetic flow' excited by heat

In recent times, sustainable development has been the overarching guiding principle of research concerning environmental issues, energy crises, and information and communication technology. In this regard, spintronic devices have emerged as promising candidates for surpassing conventional technology, which has run into the problem of excess waste heat generation in miniaturized devices. The electron “spin” responsible for the electric and magnetic property of a material are being used to develop next generation energy-efficient and miniature spintronic devices. At the heart of this new technology are “magnons,” quanta of spin excitation waves, and their detection is key to further progress in this field. Recently, within the field of spintronics, devices based on the interaction between spin and heat flow have emerged as a potential candidate for new thermoelectric devices (devices which convert heat to electricity).

Click here for original story, Diamond quantum sensor detects ‘magnetic flow’ excited by heat

Source: Phys.org