Topologically tuned terahertz on a nonlinear photonic chip

Compact terahertz functional devices are highly useful for high-speed wireless communication, biochemical sensing and non-destructive inspection. However, controlled terahertz generation, alongside transport and detection is challenging for chip-scale devices, due to low coupling efficiency and absorption losses. In a new report now published in Nature: Light Science & Applications, Jiayi Wang, Shiai Xia and Ride Wang and a team of researchers in physics, biophysics, and nonlinear photonics, at the Nankai University, China and INRS-ENT, Canada, generated nonlinear and topologically tuned confinement of terahertz waves in an engineered lithium niobate chip. The team experimentally measured the band structures to provide direct visualization of the terahertz localization in the momentum space. The outcomes provide new possibilities to realize terahertz integrated circuits for advanced photonic applications.

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