Mapping forward to the Moon

A visual example of how a lunar expedition would look like with the assistance on the field of the Electronic Field Book (EFB), an all-in-one information system that exchanges data and integrates science activities in remote environments. ESA is developing a digital tool to support lunar exploration from a tablet.

During a mission to the surface of the Moon, the Electronic Field Book would help astronauts identify minerals and rocks, record each step of the space sortie, communicate with scientists on Earth and integrate inputs from external tools such as microscopes, 360-degree cameras or spectrometers. Moonwalkers would be able to check 3D maps, recognise a rock among thousands of mineralogical profiles and collect the best samples.

This technology demonstration kept upgrading itself for the fourth session of Pangaea in Norway in July 2022,. Feedback from the final users pushed for an improvement to the navigation features. Astronauts demanded an eye view to see the terrain in 3D while they moved around unknown territories for self-orientation purposes.

Learn more about Pangaea.

Click here for original story, Mapping forward to the Moon

Source: ESA Top Multimedia