Changing direction: Research team discovers switchable electronic chirality in an achiral Kagome superconductor

Whether or not an object is indistinguishable from its mirror image has important consequences for its physical behavior. Say you watch a basketball player in a mirror. The ball, the player and their surroundings are, at first glance, just the same in the mirror as in real life. But if observed closely, some details are different. The ball in the player’s right hand now appears in their left hand in the mirror. While the mirror image still shows the same hand, it has clearly changed from a left to a right hand or vice versa. Many other physical objects also have mirror images that differ in a key aspect, just like hands, which is why scientists call them handed or chiral (from Greek Image = hand). Others, like the ball, cannot be distinguished from their mirror image, which makes them achiral.

Click here for original story, Changing direction: Research team discovers switchable electronic chirality in an achiral Kagome superconductor

Source: ScienceDaily