CSA astronaut Jenni Gibbons is the designated Canadian backup for Artemis II

CSA astronaut Jenni Gibbons is the designated Canadian backup for Artemis II | Canadian Space Agency

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Canadian Space Agency (CSA) astronaut Jenni Gibbons. (Credit: CSA, NASA)

On , surrounded by CSA employees, students and media representatives, the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister responsible for the CSA, announced that CSA astronaut Jenni Gibbons will serve as the Canadian backup astronaut for the historic Artemis II mission to the Moon.

Should CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen be unable to participate in Artemis II, Jenni Gibbons will be ready to step in for Canada. Jenni’s role will be instrumental in shaping and validating astronaut training and processes for upcoming lunar missions. In other words, she will contribute to the preparation of future Artemis missions. Jenni is also training to provide support to Artemis missions from the ground as a lunar capcom – a new role for Canada.

During this event, Minister Champagne also announced that CSA astronaut Joshua Kutryk has been assigned to a six-month mission on the International Space Station. Joshua and his crewmates will be launching aboard Starliner-1.

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