Canada’s front-row view of the total solar eclipse

Canada’s front-row view of the total solar eclipse | Canadian Space Agency

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On , millions of Canadians in the eastern part of our country got front-row seats to an out-of-this-world show: a total solar eclipse! Among the lucky observers were those at Canadian Space Agency (CSA) headquarters in Longueuil, perfectly positioned along the eclipse’s path of totality, capturing the celestial phenomenon in all its beauty.

Canadian Space Agency headquarters in Longueuil, Quebec, found itself on the path of totality, affording the opportunity to capture a mesmerizing timelapse of the eclipse. (Credit: Canadian Space Agency)

In Montreal, CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques took part in the Eclipse of the Century event hosted by the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau and Espace pour la vie, during which he shared fascinating insights with thousands of viewers along with other experts. The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, joined David at the event.

David Saint-Jacques and Minister Champagne engage with the crowd in Montreal

CSA astronaut David Saint-Jacques and Minister Champagne engage with the crowd in Montreal. (Credit: CSA)

David Saint-Jacques at Eclipse of the Century in Montreal

David Saint-Jacques on a stage during Eclipse of the Century, an event hosted by the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau and Espace pour la vie. (Credit: CSA)

Meanwhile, CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen engaged with space enthusiasts in Niagara Falls from to . We also set up educational kiosks on both sides of the borders (Ontario and New York), providing visitors with fun and informative resources about space and eclipses.

Jeremy Hansen engages with students in Niagara Falls

CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen at the SUNY Niagara County Community College, engaging with the collegiate community from NCC and neighbouring colleges and universities. (Credit: CSA)

Jeremy Hansen observes the total solar eclipse in Niagara Falls

CSA astronaut Jeremy Hansen observing the total solar eclipse in Niagara Falls. (Credit: CSA)

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