Tests on AMS Ongoing, No External Tank Foam Repairs Needed

Engineers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida will continue ground support equipment evaluations at Launch Pad 39A following storms that hit the area late last week. Teams met yesterday and determined minor damage to space shuttle Endeavour’s external fuel tank foam insulation will not need to be repaired. The spacecraft was not damaged.

Crews at Kennedy’s Launch Pad 39A will continue tests on Endeavour’s payload, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 (AMS) today.

The six STS-134 crew members are practicing rendezvous procedures today in the simulators at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

NASA managers will hold a Flight Readiness Review on Tuesday, April 19, to assess the team’s readiness to support launch. An official launch date will be selected at the conclusion of the meeting.

Endeavour is targeted to launch 3:47 p.m. EDT on Friday, April 29.