Commentary: We got him – never forget

We got him! A watershed moment in the history of the United States, as America’s Navy Seals were able to covertly land in a compound in Pakistan and kill Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the 9/11 terror attacks that claimed thousands of American lives. As the president made the official announcement on May 1 — “May Day” — it made me immediately reflect on that horrible September morning back in 2001.

I was just arriving at my desk at the Air Force Surgeon General’s office at Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C. My curiosity was raised because Tom Brokaw was announcing the news on the ‘Today Show’ and he normally did the NBC Evening News. As I watched in true amazement at the TV reports of jets flying into the New York Twin Towers, Col. Don Taylor ran over to me and literally grabbed me by the arm.