Understanding ghost particle interactions

Scientists often refer to the neutrino as theĀ “ghost particle.” Neutrinos were one of the most abundant…

New interactive tool will help farmers contain the spread of clubroot

First described in the 13th century in Russia, clubroot has been affecting worldwide brassica production, including…

Study traces the evolution of gill covers

The emergence of jaws in primitive fish allowed vertebrates to become top predators. What is less…

More than 90% of driver's license suspensions are not related to traffic safety

A study conducted by researchers at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and Brown University found that…

CHEOPS Data Describes One Of The Most Extreme Planets In The Universe

Eight months after the space telescope CHEOPS started its journey into space, the first scientific publication…

The water-saving device wasting billions of litres every week

Low flush toilets often waste more water than they save due to poor engineering and confusing…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 28 September 2020

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 28 September 2020 Click here for…

Weather Delays U.S. Cargo Mission; Crew Back to Work After Leak Test

Weather Delays U.S. Cargo Mission; Crew Back to Work After Leak Test Click here…

How does this blue flower tea change color?

Maybe you’ve seen a beautiful, color-changing tea on social media. Chances are, it’s butterfly pea flower…

Salty lake, ponds may be gurgling beneath Mars' South Pole

A network of salty ponds may be gurgling beneath Mars’ South Pole alongside a large underground…