Carrying standby antibiotics encourages travelers to careless antibiotic use

Travelers carrying standby antibiotics take them more often than those traveling without such drugs, shows a…

Platform uses artificial intelligence to diagnose Zika and other pathogens

Method created in Brazil combines mass spectrometry analysis of blood serum with an algorithm that recognizes…

Content of service members’ art linked to their trauma levels

A new study found that military service members recovering from PTSD who still identified as a…

Needle release optimal treatment for Viking disease

The various treatments for 'Viking disease' are coming under closer scrutiny. Research shows that crooked fingers…

New mechanism by which Alzheimer’s disease spreads through the brain discovered

The waste-disposal system in a cell can spread harmful protein aggregates between neurons in the brain…

Neuronal activity sheds light on the origin of consciousness

A new study identifies and measures the neural activity associated with a new conscious experience. It…

Attacking bacteria with shark skin-inspired surfaces

Sharks are often the subject of TV specials or news stories focusing on their attacks on…

Large-scale whaling in north Scandinavia may date back to 6th century

The intensive whaling that has pushed many species to the brink of extinction today may be…

Mediterranean-style eating with lean, unprocessed red meat improves heart disease risk

Adopting a Mediterranean-style eating pattern improves heart health, with or without reducing red meat intake, if…

E- textiles control home appliances with the swipe of a finger

Electronic textiles could allow a person to control household appliances or computers from a distance simply…