Misunderstanding food date labels linked with higher food discards

A new survey examining US consumer attitudes and behaviors related to food date labels found widespread…

Familiarity breeds aggression

Aggressiveness among animals may increase the longer individuals live together in stable groups. The study used…

People more likely to be generous towards charities if they donate before a windfall

People will donate more to charity if they make a pledge before receiving an unexpected cash…

Climate goals of the Paris Agreement: Impact of land use

Significantly less than two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times -- this is the temperature to which…

‘Astrocomb’ opens new horizons for planet-hunting telescope

The hunt for Earth-like planets, and perhaps extraterrestrial life, just got more precise, thanks to record-setting…

Citizen scientist finds ancient white dwarf star encircled by puzzling rings

The oldest and coldest known white dwarf -- an Earth-sized remnant of a sun-like star that…

Visualizing mental valuation processes

Researchers have developed a computer model capable of predicting certain human decisions. With it, researchers can…

New technology captures movement of quantum particles with unprecedented resolution

A new study explores the activity of quantum particles in 2D materials within an unprecedented small…

Dose of vitamin C helps gold nanowires grow

Scientists discover a method to turn stubby gold nanorods into gold nanowires of impressive length. The…

Breakthrough in the search for graphene-based electronics

A team of researchers from Denmark has solved one of the biggest challenges in making effective…