Prenatal exposure to phthalates linked to motor skill deficiencies at age 11

Scientists report motor skills problems in children exposed during pregnancy to plasticizer chemicals known as phthalates…

Consuming garlic and onions may lower colorectal cancer risk

Consumption of allium vegetables -- which include garlic, leeks, and onions -- was linked with a…

Habitable Zone Planet Finder enables discovery of planets around cool stars

A new astronomical spectrograph provides the highest precision measurements to date of infrared signals from nearby…

Radio-tracking dolphins reveals intimate details about their behavior

The most extensive radio-tracking effort of bottlenose dolphins in the Indian River Lagoon using radio-telemetry reveals…

Coping with cancer: Partners can reframe challenging situations

Spouses can help breast cancer patients with coping by positively reframing the cancer experience and other…

Automated speed enforcement doesn’t just reduce collisions — it helps reduce crime

It's widely accepted that automated photo enforcement programs targeting speeding help reduce collisions and promote safe…

Development of nonvolatile spintronics-based 50uW microcontroller unit operating at 200MHz

Researchers have announced the development of a nonvolatile microcontroller unit (MCU) which achieves both high performance…

New species of tiny tyrannosaur foreshadows rise of T. rex

A newly discovered, diminutive -- by T. rex standards -- relative of the tyrant king of…

Dietary fiber helps clump material in your gut

A new study in mice shows dietary fiber promotes the aggregation of gut particles.

Tiny Neptune moon spotted by Hubble may have broken from larger moon

After several years of analysis, a team of planetary scientists using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has…