Cracking colibactin’s code: Study examines how compound damaged DNA to understand its connection to cancer

For more than a decade, scientists have worked to understand the connection between colibactin, a compound…

Cracking colibactin’s code: Study examines how compound damaged DNA to understand its connection to cancer

For more than a decade, scientists have worked to understand the connection between colibactin, a compound…

Giving keener ‘electric eyesight’ to autonomous vehicles

Autonomous vehicles relying on light-based image sensors often struggle to see through blinding conditions, such as…

Study examines how compound damaged DNA to understand its connection to cancer

In an effort to understand how colibactin, a compound produced by certain strains of E. coli,…

Better red than dread: Barrier keeps batteries safe

A layer of red phosphorus in rechargeable lithium metal batteries can signal when damaging dendrites threaten…

Spintronics by ‘straintronics’

Data storage in magnetic media is very energy consuming. Novel materials could reduce the energy needed…

Can we repair the brain? The promise of stem cell technologies for treating Parkinson’s disease

Cell replacement may play an increasing role in alleviating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD)…

Multitasking increases in online courses compared to face-to-face

The phenomenon of multitasking across three or four internet-connected devices simultaneously is increasingly common. Researchers were…

Massive Bolivian earthquake reveals mountains 660 kilometers below our feet

Geophysicists used data from an enormous earthquake in Bolivia to find mountains at the base of…

Delays in banning wildlife trade put hundreds of species at risk

From parrots to lizards, hundreds of animal species could be at risk of extinction because of…