New gadgets help reveal the collective behavior of wild animals

Biologists describe how novel technologies are transforming our understanding of why wild animals form different groups.

Most primitive kangaroo ancestor rediscovered after 30 years in obscurity

A handful of tiny teeth have led scientists to identify the most distant ancestor of today's…

Surprising discovery: Sweet tooth gene connected with less body fat

Last year researchers discovered that a particular craving for sweet things may be determined by a…

Synthesizing a deadly mushroom toxin

The death-cap mushroom has a long history as a tool of murder and suicide, going back…

Cactus roots inspire creation of water-retaining material

During rare desert rainfalls, cacti waste no time sopping up and storing a storm's precious precipitation.…

Viagra has the potential to be used as a treatment for rare cancers

The class of drugs currently prescribed to treat male erectile dysfunction has been flagged for its…

Airway disease in racehorses more prevalent than previously thought

Researchers examined lung tissue from 95 racehorses that had actively raced or trained before their deaths…

Discovery could let doctors customize brain’s immune response to diseases

The neuroscience lab that discovered that the brain connects directly to the immune system now has…

Having one eye better than the other may explain ants’ left bias

Unlike Derek Zoolander, ants don't have any difficulty turning left. New research has now found rock…

The emotions we feel may shape what we see

Our emotional state in a given moment may influence what we see, according to new findings.…