Unraveling the mysteries of hagfish’s slimy defense

The hagfish dates back at least 300 million years. The secret of survival for these eel-like…

Effective strategies for safeguarding CRISPR gene-drive experiments

Researchers have demonstrated for the first time how two molecular strategies can safeguard CRISPR gene-drive experiments…

Famous freak wave recreated in laboratory mirrors Hokusai’s ‘Great Wave’

Researchers have recreated for the first time the famous Draupner freak wave measured in the North…

Ranger motivation in dangerous African park

A new study looks at the job satisfaction of front line conservation rangers working in challenging…

Air pollutants from US forest soils will increase with climate change

Scientists predict that certain regions of the United States will experience higher levels of pollutants that…

New skin test detects prion infection before symptoms appear

Prions can infect both humans and animals, causing Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans, mad cow disease…

To halt malaria transmission, more research focused on human behavior needed

Wherever possible, researchers should not just focus on mosquito behavior when working to eliminate malaria, but…

Unique camera enables researchers to see the world the way birds do

Using a specially designed camera, researchers have succeeded for the first time in recreating how birds…

Breastmilk sugars differ in pregnant women on probiotics

The complex sugars found in human breastmilk, long believed to be fixed in their composition, may…

Migratory schedule of swallows uncovered

The study is the first to track the timing of 12 geographically distinct breeding populations of…