The mental health pros and cons of minority spaces in the workplace

Many companies and organisations appear keen to support a more diverse workforce, where minority group members…

Three ways to be smart on social media

This past year, many people deleted their social media accounts following revelations about privacy violations on…

Scope advance reveals first look through all cortical layers of awake brain

Improvements in three-photon microscopy have allowed scientists to see activity in all layers of the visual…

Gamblers predicted Brexit before financial traders, study finds

Research shows how financial markets should have predicted Brexit hours before they eventually did, and that…

Ultra-sturdy bones, with a surprising origin, suggest new osteoporosis approach

A handful of brain cells deep in the brain may play a surprising role in controlling…

VAT fat may cause pathogenic obesity

VAT, Visceral Adipose Tissue, a kind of fat that accumulates around the abdominal organs, has an…

Activated PMN exosomes are pathogenic entities that cause destruction in the COPD lung

Researchers have found a novel, pathogenic entity that is a fundamental link between chronic inflammation and…

New leukemia drug is more effective and easier to use

Oncologists have found that a newer targeted drug is significantly more effective than standard therapy for…

Blueprint for plant immune response found

Researchers have discovered the way plants respond to disease-causing organisms, and how they protect themselves, leading…

Interstellar objects like ‘Oumuamua probably crash into the sun every 30 years

On October 19th, 2017, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System-1 (Pan-STARRS-1) in Hawaii announced…