Long-duration space missions have lasting effects on spinal muscles

Long-duration space missions have lasting effects on spinal muscles

Long-duration space missions have lasting effects on spinal muscles

Long-duration space missions have lasting effects on spinal muscles

UWE-4 CubeSat frequency change request approved

After two weeks in orbit, UWE-4 is in very good shape. The batteries are fully charged,…

Researchers reveal active-state structure of popular drug target for blood pressure

Bringing a long quest to a satisfying conclusion, researchers have mapped the active-state structure of the…

For these birds, climate change spells a rise in fatal conflicts

Researchers have found yet another way in which climate change has been detrimental to migrating birds.…

Rice plants engineered to be better at photosynthesis make more rice

A new bioengineering approach for boosting photosynthesis in rice plants could increase grain yield by up…

New CRISPR-Cas9 variants can respond to viral proteases

Using a technique called circular permutation, researchers at the University of California Berkeley have created a…

Bacteria help discover human cancer-causing proteins

A team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas at…

Targeting an RNA-binding protein to fight aging

Aging bodies undergo biological changes that cause a decline in the function of cells and tissues.…

Bizarre ‘bristle-jaw’ creatures finally placed on tree of life

Chaetognaths, whose name means "bristle-jaw," can be found all over world, swimming in brackish estuaries, tropical…