Frenchman trying to cross Atlantic in barrel capsule

A 71-year-old Frenchman has departed on a journey across the Atlantic in a specially designed barrel…

Instagram blames ‘bug’ for design change that prompted backlash

Instagram said Thursday it accidentally rolled out a design change to a large number of users…

Instagram blames ‘bug’ for design change that prompted backlash

Instagram said Thursday it accidentally rolled out a design change to a large number of users…

Unravelling mystery of how, when DNA replicates

A team has unlocked a decades old mystery about how a critical cellular process called DNA…

Reducing drinking could help with smoking cessation, research finds

New research has found that heavy drinkers who are trying to stop smoking may find that…

A tilt of the head facilitates social engagement

Every time we look at a face, we take in a flood of information effortlessly: age,…

Speed up public health decisions on scabies by skipping full-body exams

For years, the diagnosis of scabies has relied on time-consuming and intrusive full-body examinations. Now, researchers…

Contact with monkeys and apes puts populations at risk

Animal diseases that infect humans are a major threat to human health, and diseases often spillover…

Sleeping sickness parasite uses multiple metabolic pathways

Parasitic protozoa called trypanosomes synthesize sugars using an unexpected metabolic pathway called gluconeogenesis, according to a…

Sleeping sickness parasite uses multiple metabolic pathways

Parasitic protozoa called trypanosomes synthesize sugars using an unexpected metabolic pathway called gluconeogenesis, according to a…