Solar activity research provides insight into sun’s past, future

Scientists have developed a new technique for looking at historic solar data to distinguish trustworthy observations…

Evidence for carbon-rich surface on Ceres

Astronomers have concluded that the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is rich in organic matter. Data…

Topological matters: Toward a new kind of transistor

An experiment has demonstrated, for the first time, electronic switching in an exotic, ultrathin material that…

Tiny droplets of early universe matter created

Researchers have created tiny droplets of the ultra-hot matter that once filled the early universe, forming…

Novel laser technology for microchip-size chemical sensors

A special laser system has been developed, using two slightly different frequency combs. This allows for…

Females prefer city frogs’ tunes

Urban sophistication has real sex appeal -- at least if you're a Central American amphibian. Male…

Early career choices appear to influence personality

In the state of Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, 16-year-old students in middle-track schools decide whether to stay in…

Unexpected impact of hurricanes on Puerto Rico’s watershed

Researchers have found unprecedentedly high levels of nitrate, an essential plant nutrient, in streams and watersheds…

Antenna evaluation method could help boost 5G network capacity and cut costs

Researchers have developed a method for evaluating and selecting optimal antenna designs for future fifth-generation (5G)…

Predicting leaky heart valves with 3D printing

Researchers have created a novel 3D printing workflow that allows cardiologists to evaluate how different valve…