Ozone depletion increases Antarctic snowfall, partially mitigates ice sheet loss

Ozone layer depletion has increased snowfall over Antarctica in recent decades, partially mitigating the ongoing loss…

The fauna in the Antarctica is threatened by pathogens humans spread in polar latitudes

The fauna in the Antarctica could be in danger due the pathogens humans spread in places…

Proteins for making tough rubber

Inspired by nature, scientists have produced a synthetic analogue to vulcanized natural rubber. Their material is…

New insights into childhood cancer

Peripheral nervous system tumors, known as neuroblastoma, are one of the most common types of childhood…

New method to treat life-threatening heart arrhythmias in dogs

Researchers have developed a new treatment for dogs with a rare, but life-threatening, arrhythmia caused by…

Life in Deep Earth totals 15 to 23 billion tons of carbon — hundreds of times more than humans

Barely living 'zombie' bacteria and other forms of life constitute an immense amount of carbon deep…

Underground life has a carbon mass hundreds of times larger than humans’

Microorganisms living underneath the surface of the earth have a total carbon mass of 15 to…

Grey nomad lifestyle provides a model for living remotely

Every other year, retired couple Jorg and Jan journey some 5,000 kilometres in their campervan from…

How the absence of blow flies overturned a wrongful conviction

On Jan. 2, 2018, Kirstin Blaise Lobato, who was charged and convicted of murder, walked free…

Amount of deep life on Earth quantified

Having dug and drilled into the Earth, scientists can now estimate how much life exists at…