Do interactions in molecular and cellular networks follow the same principles as human social interplay?

To decode the underlying laws that govern the organization of life into molecules, cells and tissues…

Reduction in wood burning by rural people in China results in less fine particulate matter pollution

A team of researchers from China, the U.S. and Norway has found that urging rural residents…

Embryological study of the skull reveals dinosaur-bird connection

Birds are the surviving descendants of predatory dinosaurs. However, since the likes of Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor,…

Air pollution is shaving years from people’s lives, study finds

WASHINGTON—People could add years to their lives in smog-plagued parts of the world if authorities could…

GeneLab: Omics Data System for Space Biology Research

Abstract: During spaceflight, a complex set of detrimental factors impinge upon astronauts and other biological systems.…

Dead sperm whale found in Indonesia had ingested ‘6kg of plastic’

The dead sperm whale, which washed ashore in Indonesia, had ingested nearly 6kg of plastic waste.

Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Satellite & International Space Station (ISS) Coordination for CubeSat Deployments to Minimize Collision Risk

Abstract: The Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) is a joint U.S. and Japan mission to observe…

Assessing Version 4 of the SMAP L4_SM Data Product

Abstract: Version 4 of the SMAP Level 4 Surface and Root Zone Soil Moisture (L4_SM) product…

NASA has chosen the landing site for its life-hunting 2020 Mars rover

Jezero crater on Mars is thought to have once had a river flowing along its rim…

NASA has chosen the landing site for its life-hunting 2020 Mars rover

Jezero crater on Mars is thought to have once had a river flowing along its rim…