Mapping the night

Imaging Earth from space is a favourite pastime for astronauts on the International space Station. They…

Mapping the night

Imaging Earth from space is a favourite pastime for astronauts on the International space Station. They…

Mystery “space cow” is a weird new type of powerful space explosion

Months of observations have shown that the strange explosion in space called “the Cow” gets extra…

Mystery “space cow” is a weird new type of powerful space explosion

Months of observations have shown that the strange explosion in space called “the Cow” gets extra…

Spain considers ban on sale of gas and diesel cars by 2040

Spain's government is eyeing ambitious steps to tackle climate change, including a ban on the sale…

Nigerian ISP says error caused disruption in Google services

A Nigerian internet service provider says a configuration error it made during a network upgrade caused…

Scientists shed light on semiconductor degradation mechanism

SiC-based electrical devices degrading will be improved by controlling the semiconductor material deformation with atomic level.

Back-to-the-future plants give climate change insights

If you were to take a seed and zap it into the future to see how…

‘Rare’ jellyfish not so rare

When the Rhizostoma luteum jellyfish was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century in the…

Fish recognize their prey by electric colors

The African elephantnose fish generates weak electrical pulses to navigate its environment. This localization sense apparently…