New insights in rust resistance in wheat

For more than 20 years, a large international group of researchers, including from Aarhus University, has…

Fighting smog supports solar power

Model calculations by ETH researchers show that if China fought smog more aggressively, it could massively…

Dutch research team involved in first landing on the far side of the moon

The Chinese space agency will be launching the Chang'e 4 moon lander on Friday 7 December,…

Chemists find way to prevent side effects from malaria medication

The antimalarial drug Mefloquine, branded as Lariam and used by many travellers to tropical countries, is…

Getting a grip on space weather

An international group of scientists has developed a new method for analyzing the sun's energy outbursts,…

New study upends timeline of Iroquoian history

New research by an international team raises questions about the timing and nature of early interactions…

Student engineers an interaction between two qubits using photons

In the world of quantum computing, interaction is everything.

Researchers identify enzyme responsible for helping cancer tumors spread

Researchers at the University of Missouri have unraveled how a cancer-critical enzyme is positioned on cell…

Arctic ice model upgrade to benefit polar research, industry and military

An update for an internationally vital sea-ice computer model developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory with…

Location data as an ‘identifier’ of personal data

A recent doctoral dissertation in legal studies reveals alarming news regarding the vulnerability of location and…