Student engineers an interaction between two qubits using photons

In the world of quantum computing, interaction is everything.

Researchers identify enzyme responsible for helping cancer tumors spread

Researchers at the University of Missouri have unraveled how a cancer-critical enzyme is positioned on cell…

Arctic ice model upgrade to benefit polar research, industry and military

An update for an internationally vital sea-ice computer model developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory with…

Location data as an ‘identifier’ of personal data

A recent doctoral dissertation in legal studies reveals alarming news regarding the vulnerability of location and…

Seeing the light: Researchers offer solution for efficiency problem of artificial photosynthesis

Hydrogen-powered electronics, travel, and more may be a step closer thanks to the work of a…

Falcon 9 rocket guides itself to sea.

The rocket had a hydraulic problem on its way back to Earth.

Near Earth Asteroid Scout – NASA’s First Interplanetary Solar Sail Mission

Abstract: No abstract available

NASA Platform for Autonomous Systems (NPAS)

Abstract: NASA Platform for Autonomous Systems (NPAS) is a disruptive software platform and processes being developed…

Researchers examine competing states in high-temperature superconductors

High-temperature superconductors can transport electrical energy without resistance. Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have…

Molecular adlayer produced by dissolving water-insoluble nanographene in water

Even though nanographene is insoluble in water and organic solvents, Kumamoto University (KU) and Tokyo Institute…