MS genes formerly missing-in-action have been found

Scientists have cracked a tough nut in multiple sclerosis: where are all the genes?

Making gene therapy delivery safer and more efficient

Viral vectors used to deliver gene therapies undergo spontaneous changes during manufacturing which affects their structure…

Brain cells called astrocytes have unexpected role in brain ‘plasticity’

Researchers have shown that astrocytes -- long-overlooked supportive cells in the brain -- help to enable…

Insight into how nanoparticles interact with biological systems

Personal electronic devices are a growing source of the world's electronic waste. Many of these products…

New tool helps align investment with objectives in biodiversity conservation

One of the balancing acts faced by conservation agencies is how to conserve and protect as…

Breakthrough in accessing the tiny magnet within the core of a single atom

Researchers at the Center for Quantum Nanoscience (QNS) within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in…

Scientists discover first high-temperature single-molecule magnet

A team of scientists led by Professor Richard Layfield at the University of Sussex has published…

Working lands play a key role in protecting biodiversity

With a body the size of a fist and wings that span more than a foot,…

Smallest life forms have smallest working CRISPR system

An ancient group of microbes that contains some of the smallest life forms on Earth also…

New cell movement process key to understanding and repairing facial malformations

The embryonic stem cells that form facial features, called neural crest cells, use an unexpected mechanism…