Rapid evolution of a calcareous microalgae

Laboratory experiments are easy to control and reproduce but are insufficient to mimic the complexity of…

Practical work-related tasks may reduce burnout in new employees

A new study suggests that immediately charging new employees with simple, direct and meaningful tasks may…

Nanotechnology could redefine oral surgery

A trip to the dentist or orthodontist usually instills a sense of dread in most patients,…

Perspective on fuel cells

Researchers are aiming to tackle a fundamental debate in key reactions behind fuel cells and hydrogen…

A surprise stimulus helps people stop an action

A new study finds that an unexpected sound causes people to stop an action more often…

Small lakes and temporary ponds release CO2 into the atmosphere even when they are dry

Temporary lakes and ponds emit CO2 all year –- even when they are dry -- and…

Stress-induced changes in genetic information: New details discovered about the function of a mysterious protein

Scientists have researched the function of an enigmatic protein. The biological necessity of this protein, which…

Love and fear are visible across the brain instead of being restricted to any brain region

The brain mechanisms of basic emotions such as anger and happiness are fairly similar across people.…

Rotating dusty gaseous donut around an active supermassive black hole

High resolution observations show a rotating dusty gas torus around an active supermassive black hole. The…

Video games to improve mobility after a stroke

New research reveals that, after a cerebral infarction, injuries in areas that control attention also cause…