Rock art: Life-sized sculptures of dromedaries found in Saudi Arabia

At a remarkable site in northwest Saudi Arabia, archaeologists have discovered camelid sculptures unlike any others…

New models give insight into the heart of the Rosette Nebula

New research offers an explanation for the discrepancy between the size and age of the Rosetta…

Clues to aging found in stem cells’ genomes

In fruit flies, repeating genetic elements shrink with age, but then expand in future generations, a…

Facial attraction: Red-fronted lemurs recognize photos of their own species

Wild red-fronted lemurs (Eulemur rufrifrons) appear to be able to recognize individuals belonging to the same…

New sustainable production method could advance plastics and pharmaceuticals

A team of chemical engineers has developed a new, cost-effective method for synthetically producing a biorenewable…

Predictors for infidelity and divorce

New research highlights ways to keep love and also identifies clear predictors for failed relationships.

Obesity associated with longer survival for men with metastatic melanoma

Obese patients with metastatic melanoma who are treated with targeted or immune therapies live significantly longer…

Weeds out of control

Herbicides can no longer control the weeds that threaten crop productivity and food security in the…

Science self-corrects: Cancer gene does not pass reproducibility test

About 10 years ago, several labs discovered that a gene called MELK is overexpressed, or turned…

‘Hot spots’ of water quality violations

While serious violations like those in the Flint, Michigan, crises are rare, ensuring reliable access to…