Turbocharge for lithium batteries

A team of material researchers has succeeded in producing a composite material that is particularly suited…

Criticism from parents affects how children’s brains respond to emotional information

Children of highly critical parents show less attention to emotional facial expressions, according to new research.

Pandoravirus: Giant viruses invent their own genes

Three new members have been added to the Pandoravirus family. Researchers offer an explanation to their…

If your eyes wrinkle when you smile or frown, you appear more sincere

Researchers have shown that our brains are pre-wired to perceive wrinkles around the eyes as conveying…

New aircraft-scheduling models may ease air travel frustrations

Flight schedules that allow for a little carefully designed wiggle room could prevent the frustration of…

American sign language and English language learners: New linguistic research supports the need for policy changes

A new study of the educational needs of students who are native users of American Sign…

Wastewater treatment plants are key route into UK rivers for microplastics

Water samples from UK rivers contained significantly higher concentrations of microplastics downstream from wastewater treatment plants,…

Large-scale study indicates novel, abundant nitrogen-fixing microbes in surface ocean

A large-scale study of the Earth's surface ocean indicates the microbes responsible for fixing nitrogen there…

A Liberal accent: Linguistics team documents language changes in southwest Kansas

A linguistics team has found that people in southwest Kansas are developing a distinct accent.

Negative emotions are murkier, less distinct in adolescence

Adolescents don't distinguish between negative emotions as clearly as younger children and adults in their 20s…