Researchers observe a defense mechanism for caterpillars can attract unwanted attention

When a caterpillar disguises itself as a snake to ward off potential predators, it should probably…

Advancing the description of ‘mysterious’ water to improve drug design

Interactions with water dominate how drug molecules bind to targets, but it's tricky to model these…

The impacts of whale shark mass tourism on the coral reefs in the Philippines

The collaborative research among The University of Hong Kong (HKU), the University of Guam (UoG), and…

Outer solar system experts find ‘far out there’ dwarf planet

A team of astronomers has discovered the most-distant body ever observed in our Solar System. It…

A fire-breathing dragon helps fight ember attacks on thatched-roof buildings

Visitors to the historic mountain villages in central Japan marvel at the elegance of the steep…

Discovered: The most-distant solar system object ever observed

A team of astronomers has discovered the most-distant body ever observed in our solar system. It…

Researchers observe charge-stripe crystal phase in an insulating cuprate

Heating the surface of a cuprate high-temperature superconductor allowed a team of researchers to modify the…

Communication between neural networks

Researchers are proposing a new model to explain how neural networks in different brain areas communicate…

A fire-breathing dragon helps fight ember attacks on thatched-roof buildings

Researchers conducted a special fire test to learn how to protect steep thatched-roof farmhouses that emerged…

Drivers who can ‘bid’ for parking spaces may improve parking options around the world

Researchers have developed a parking algorithm that allows drivers to 'bid' for a curbside spot in…