How a T cell passes HIV sexually to a new host

While it's well known that HIV is transmitted sexually, how the virus crosses genital mucus membranes…

Tissue-engineered human pancreatic cells successfully treat diabetic mice

Researchers tissue-engineered human pancreatic islets in a laboratory that develop a circulatory system, secrete hormones like…

Bird migration strategies revealed

Using weather surveillance radar and citizen-science data, researchers are learning how migratory birds return to their…

Voltage loss in cable bacteria

An international research group has shed new light on cable bacteria. Using laser light, researchers have…

Emojis used to develop a modern face scale for product testing

A new study finds that emojis are a viable alternative to words when it comes to…

Cell phones at summer camp: Research explores the effects

New research delves into how digital media might affect the camp experience.

The secret of a long life

Why termite queens live exceptionally long and, at the same time, are extraordinary fertile.

Northern Europe

The Copernicus Sentinel-3B satellite captured this rare cloud-free view of Northern Europe on 8 May 2018…

Northern Europe

The Copernicus Sentinel-3B satellite captured this rare cloud-free view of Northern Europe on 8 May 2018…

Watch how a T cell passes HIV sexually to a new host

While it's well known that HIV is transmitted sexually, how the virus crosses genital mucus membranes…