3-D human ‘mini-brains’ shed new light on genetic underpinnings of major mental illness

Researchers are leveraging gene-editing tools and mini-organs grown in the lab to study the effects of…

Your grandchildren may retire before we achieve gender equality in STEMM

New research has calculated that without further interventions, the gender gap for women working in STEMM…

Novel antioxidant makes old blood vessels seem young again

Older adults who take an antioxidant that specifically targets mitochondria see age-related changes in blood vessels…

Great Barrier Reef coral predicted to last at least 100 years before extinction from climate change

A common Great Barrier Reef coral species has enough genetic diversity to survive at least 100…

Ramped up fight-or-flight response points to history of warfare for humans and chimps

Humans and chimpanzees recently evolved a more active fight-or-flight response compared to other primates, possibly in…

How to bend and stretch a diamond

Brittle diamond can turn flexible and stretchable when made into ultrafine needles, researchers at MIT and…

HIV-1 viruses transmitted at birth are resistant to antibodies in mother’s blood

Of the genetically diverse population of HIV-1 viruses present in an infected pregnant woman, the few…

Gene-edited stem cells show promise against HIV in non-human primates

Gene editing of bone marrow stem cells in pigtail macaques infected with simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)…

New microscope captures detailed 3-D movies of cells deep within living systems

Merging lattice light sheet microscopy with adaptive optics reveals the most detailed picture yet of subcellular…

Genome Jenga study reveals unexpected gene alliances in the cell

The largest study of its kind sheds light on how genes work together to keep cells…