Obama-era clean-air rule on methane emissions blocked again (Update)

An on-again, off-again effort to restrict harmful methane emissions on federal lands is off—again.

Obama-era clean-air rule on methane emissions blocked again

An on-again, off-again effort to restrict harmful methane emissions on federal lands is off—again.

Raccoons’ bizarre behavior gets locals’ attention in US

Raccoons are normally shy, nocturnal creatures. But they've been acting out in the US state of…

Raccoons’ bizarre behavior gets locals’ attention in US

Raccoons are normally shy, nocturnal creatures. But they've been acting out in the US state of…

Coral bleaching threatens the diversity of reef fish

New research reveals that global warming also affects fish who depend on corals.

Coral bleaching threatens the diversity of reef fish

New research reveals that global warming also affects fish who depend on corals.

Injecting gene cocktail into mouse pancreas leads to human-like tumors

A researcher has invented a unique method to generate, in mice, pancreatic tumors that resemble human…

Coral bleaching threatens the diversity of reef fish

New research reveals that global warming also affects fish who depend on corals. The Great Barrier…

Attention deficit disorders could stem from impaired brain coordination

Researchers have discovered how two brain regions work together to maintain attention, and how discordance between…

Human drug trials are compromised by poor reporting of animal research

Poor animal study design and reporting thwarts the ethical review of proposed human drug trials, according…