Humankind’s earliest ancestors discovered in southern England

Fossils of the oldest mammals related to mankind have been discovered on the Jurassic Coast of…

New quantum materials offer novel route to 3-D electronic devices

Researchers have shown how the principles of general relativity open the door to novel electronic applications…

Lending late neurons a helping hand

Researchers have discovered that even a slight delay of the neuronal migration may lead to behavioral…

How far did you fall from the tree?

Mutations generate genetic variation, and are a major driving force of evolution. Therefore, examining mutation rates…

Cities can cut greenhouse gas emissions far beyond their urban borders

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by urban households' purchases of goods and services from beyond city limits…

Old human cells rejuvenated in breakthrough discovery on ageing

A new way to rejuvenate old cells in the laboratory, making them not only look younger,…

Reformulation of Markowitz theorem

By combining concepts from landscape ecology and Markowitz's portfolio theory, researchers have developed a unified 'landscape…

The ‘DNA corrector’ is more efficient in the most important regions of the genome

Error surveillance and repair mechanisms during DNA replication do not show the same competence in all…

Tech increases microfluidic research data output 100-fold

Researchers have developed a technique that allows users to collect 100 times more spectrographic information per…

Improving sensor accuracy to prevent electrical grid overload

Electrical physicists have provided additional evidence that new current sensors introduce errors when assessing current through…