New method enables high-resolution measurements of magnetism

In a new article, published in Nature Materials, researchers from Beijing, Uppsala and Jülich have made…

Why sarcasm is such a brilliantly inclusive and effective way to teach children—not

The image of the sarcastic teacher is a common one. From the masterful speech given by…

Atomic flaws create surprising, high-efficiency UV LED materials

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) traditionally demand atomic perfection to optimize efficiency. On the nanoscale, where structures span…

Innovative monitoring technique can help protect the world’s elephants, study finds

A quick and cost-effective approach to monitoring the health of elephant populations could help measure the…

Worm uploaded to a computer and trained to balance a pole

Is it a computer program or a living being? At TU Wien (Vienna), the boundaries have…

Material gradients could strengthen polymer components

Combining flexible and stiff materials has bestowed bamboo with a strength-to-weight ratio that rivals steel. Gradually…

Outdoor instruction makes students more open to learning

Being taught science subjects outdoors increases student motivation. A study therefore suggests offering more outdoor instruction…

Language previously unknown to linguists discovered in Southeast Asia

A language previously unknown to linguists -- dubbed Jedek -- has been found in the Malay…

Clocking electrons racing faster than light in glass

Living life in the fast lane can be tremendously exciting, giving us the 'time of our…

Did surface life evolve on Mars? Newly published research casts increased doubt

Surface life on Earth is abundant because of the availability of sunlight, surface water, generally moderate…